Ontario Public Service / OPSToronto ONIn this role, you will: • Lead and manage enterprise risk management (ERM) and audit coordination for the ministry. • Communicate and support senior management, staff, and external stakeholders on...1 day agoEmail
Ontario Public Service / OPSSudbury ONCreate the Work Environment In the Ontario Public Service, we hold our leaders to the highest standards, expecting them to
embody authenticity, accountability, and courage in every action and...1 day agoEmail
Ontario Public Service / OPSSudbury ONIn this role, you will: • Conduct health assessments for the purposes of triage and on-going care • Plan for and provide health care treatment • Monitor adherence to treatment plans and response to...1 day agoEmail
Ontario Public Service / OPSSudbury ONWe are currently looking for a motivated professional to join our dynamic team to provide
project management and coordination, and apply your organizational, interpersonal, and
communication skills...1 day agoEmail
Ontario Public Service / OPSNewmarket ON• Conduct site visits to inspect and assess compliance with legislative and regulatory
requirements and ministry policies • Identify and address immediate health and safety concerns • Analyze...1 day agoEmail
Ontario Public Service / OPSSudbury ONIn this role, you will use your specialized knowledge and skills to provide patient-centred
primary care. Specifically, you will: • Assess, diagnose and prescribe treatment with an emphasis on health...1 day agoEmail
Ontario Public Service / OPSNorth Bay ONYou will: • type and transcribe (from handwritten notes or dictation media) correspondence,
judgements and legal documents • take dictation, edit and compose correspondence • provide reception...1 day agoEmail
Ontario Public Service / OPSToronto ONIn this role, you will: • lead and direct project teams, staff and consulting engineers on transportation projects. • provide expert engineering and technical expertise to internal and external...1 day agoEmail
Ontario Public Service / OPSToronto ONIn this role, you will: • Conduct needs assessments to identify training requirements. • Consult with stakeholders to gather information and set learning objectives. • Develop project plans and...1 day agoEmail
Ontario Public Service / OPSToronto ONWorking in a high volume, multi-faceted, integrated provincial Employment Ontario Contact
Centre (EOCC), you will: • respond to a large volume of enquiries received by telephone, e-mail...1 day agoEmail
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